twtrcos_accessory series

2022 - 2023

○ they wonder the real color of skyblue

○ 3d_printed accessories, 3d_printed figures, augemented reality3d_printed accessories, mixed reality / 3D打印配饰,  3D打印雕塑, 增强现实, 混合现实

︎︎︎关于 they wonder the real color of skyblue


they wonder the real color of sky blue is an interactive animation which lifts the participants from the limit of current social space and time and teleports them into two characters in a simulated world.

they wonder the real color of sky blue 是一个互动动画作品。当观众走到作品前面的一刻,他们就立刻脱离了当前的社会时空,被传送到了一个虚构的另类世界。在这个奇异和超现实的另类环境中,观众和互动动画里的角色一起踏上一场荒诞又温暖的冒险。他们一起探索如何理解、共情和着眼于当下。